Friday, May 30, 2008

We'll Always have Paris

The last time I went to the show I saw Hannah Montana in 3D and the time before that I can't remember what I went to see but I think it was the Beatles tribute Across the Universe. Yeha I go to the movies once a year. I am sure blockbuster is chalked full of movies I haven't seen. Now that I have responsibility of raising an infant child on my own I just can't go to the movies after work for a matinee like I used to. Now that I don't do it very much I should have appreciated more. Going places involves planning and timing who knew getting 2 hours of "me" time would take so much work, only to get where you planned to go and be thoroughly exhausted that all you long for is to go home and sleep!!
Well tonight I am going to the movies with my sister and new friend Sandra to see the much anticipated movie of my year!!!.................Sex and the City! I didn't realize until last night when I was in line getting tickets how excited I am to see this movie. Oh what you don't purchase your movie tickets 28 hours in advance COME ON it is 2008!If you are going to get into a show on Friday night you better plan ahead and get there early to find a good seat. While your at it get a second job. How do teenagers go out anymore, or afford to take friends out on dates?? Since when is the price of a movie ticket $9? No wonder movies are breaking box offices records in the millions. Next year I might have to plan a longer "me" time so I can slip into another movie just to get my money's worth.
I don't want to read any reviews about the movie. I want to be totally surprised and form my own opinion. Considering there wasn't much hype around the movie I don't want to get my hopes up or be spoiled by an over boisterous critic.


Anonymous said...

$9? around here it's like $10. my "teenager" has only gone to the movies twice with friends, & that was because she had free passes the second time...does THAT tell you anything? now you know why i was looking for a summer job for her...
enjoy your movie. we hope to go to the drive in tomorrow. it's $7.50 per adult & $3 for kids 6-13. plus, you get 2 movies. that is what our lives have become...

Anonymous said...

Movies? On big screens? Like "Talkies"?

Last time I saw one of those I had to call in sick to work to do it.