Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday Meandering #1

I have been thinking of starting this post for sometime now, it will be a way of holding myself accountable to leave you all a piece of my thoughts over the weekend, or events that are coming up, and simple way to come here for a quick update on my life. Kinda like checking the mailbox once a week, oh what did you say? you check your mailbox daily, well you know me queen of procrastination.
Here ya go my first Monday Meander;
Let me start by letting you know the Sex and the City Movie, totally worth the $9 to get in. I was a little under dressed to sit in a dark movie theater with 396 other scantly clad women of all ages, mostly old broads like myself, but a reminder none the less that I do not get out often enough to keep up on fashion. Plus it was raining and I didn't want to chance getting my Minolo Blahniks wet not after spending Morgan's college fund on them(totally not my shoes but I can dream)! Funny thing happened in the theater full of catty women, some chic decided 20 minutes into the movie it was a nice time to fight with one of her children on her cell phone, picture this "well tell your Dad blah, blah, blah"! and being annoyed someone yelled out "Get Off the Phone!" at which the conversation was silenced only to start up again louder, being annoyed 4-5 other women piped up "GET off the Phone!" the woman on the phone did not think they were talking to her and continued for another 2-3 minutes at which time a woman stood up and said "Someone is gonna get their ass kicked" and she stood up and looked around the room but could not find the culprit and I think the woman on the phone got scared because the theater got quite and we finished watching the show. Did I mention how good the movie was? Well it was good and you just have to go see for yourself because I am not a plot spoiler and even if I was I wouldn't tell you if Carrie finally gets Big in the end!!
Saturday went to my cousin house who threw a big blow up surprise party for her fiance' he is 30!! Welcome to old age SUCKER! It was fun and we stood on the front lawn waiting for him to get home from work, when normally he pulls in at 5pm but didn't arrive until 5:10pm where I thought my cousin was going to have a panic attack on her front lawn or start walking down the street so when he turned the corner whip him with a wet noodle for being late and keeping all these people waiting just to see him turn gray from the shock of so many people wanting to get a wise crack at his age! Happy Birthday Steve your not as young as you act but you sure fooled us!! The party was fun and Morgan is not a prissy princess doll that mommie dresses her up to be, it seems that when you put a dress on a my little girl she will make a mad dash for the sand box...WET sand box and think it is the best thing since french fries. Wet sand sticks to everything but I think you all know that.
Finally Sunday Morgan and I had a photo shoot at a park in the city and here is just a sneak peak of what was taken at the beginning and I wish I could post more but that is all the photographer would send to me this morning. We had fun watching the ducks and smelling the flowers and of course climbing on the park benches.


Anonymous said...

dang. where do you watch movies at? it sounds dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Why do you thing you are such and "old Broad"? I don't think I am old at one of us has to be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Wet sand, prissy dress not a good combo. I bet the hair had a bunch too. Rose ran around with sand head for about 3 years; every summer. I can't wait to view your pictures. So beautiful. tmp

The 311 Boys Mom said...

awesome pic.

can't wait to see the rest

Kellie Bray said...

Your picture is great