Friday, June 27, 2008

All dressed up

I am going to a wedding Saturday, not a big fancy schindig just a casual mild family gathering in a banquet hall with flowers, cake, and love bird songs filling the air. It just occured to me this is the first wedding I am attending since my divorce. I no longer have to make excuses as to why my husband is not there nor will anyone ask me where he is. In facted all the questions will be about my beautiful daughter which I am more than comfortable boasting about because she is awesome!
So yesterday I spent my afternoon in retail theraphy which is getting pretty expensive for me lately, trying the find a dress that fit my mood and chest. I picked out a traditional black number on my lunch break but decided to check another store on the way home. I found a sassy pink number, I know big suprise pink! that I liked so much more. Now if I could just find the right heals to go with the dress we'll be good.
I wondered while looking at myself when trying on the sassy pink number if there are ever any available men at these types of functions anymore? Does anyone ever really meet someone at a wedding or does it just happen in the movies? Either way I plan to look good trying to find out. Wish me luck!


K said...

have fun missy!!

Anonymous said...

spewing big luck your direction...

Anonymous said...

Single men at a small family wedding...
Just don't inbreed and you'll be good.

Wishing you luck Sassy!

Kellie Bray said...

I remember all those excuses you gave for Gary. Lucky me...he was going to come to mine. Luckier me...he got sick! HA (Unless that was another excuse!)