Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday Meandering #5

Can you believe I have made it five weeks of meandering?? yeha me neither.

The wedding was really nice, my third cousin and his new bride got married in the courtyard and had the reception all at the hotel where we were staying. My brother, my sister in-law and nephew Luke all got a room together for the night. The hotel features a waterpark where the kids went to play while we enjoyed our meal with drinks at the reception. Remember my BFF&A I spoke about before well she came to the hotel and watched the kids while we partied like rock-stars down the hall! No you can not have my friend or borrow her she is all mine. My daughter was the first one to sleep by 9pm and did not wake up until 9am the next morning, she was partied out. Needless to say I did not get much sleep the room was spinning until about 3am and I woke at 7am thinking Morgan would be up any minute and never really fell back into a sleep. It is getting harder for me to recover from these events involving alcohol.
I know you are all wondering what the stats were on the single male front, let me just say there was a little dancing involved but no exchange of names or phone numbers. I was just happy to be hanging out with family to tell you the truth, we all were dressed to the 9's but still had potty mouths, some of us anyway I am more reserved in that area. There was a moment my brother felt it was time to get more Jack Daniels after the bar closed so he left the building on foot in search of a liquor store while me being the responsible big sister waited in the parking lot for his return, only to find out the liquor store also closed. THANK.GOD.
I have pictures I like to share but they haven't been downloaded yet I will try at a later time to humor you all a little more with my fake tan from a bottle and make you envious of the Jessica Simpson shoes I got for $10! Surprisingly they are very comfortable if your NOT dancing all.night.long.


Anonymous said...

Did the fake tan work? Whiter than hell girl wants to know.

Anonymous said...

$10 bucks says i'm whiter than diva...

Anonymous said...

Did any drunk family take a ride on the water slide? that would be very funny!!! I think your monday meanderings are fantastic. Keeps me updated well. Yes, those are two of the cutiest kids ever. Sweet as angels. tmp