Friday was a Mommie day, one that did not require a diaper change or cutting up someone else's food, I ate a meal that was HOT, and only had to worry about wiping my own butt. On the way home from work I stopped to do a little shopping for me, I am pretty proud of myself I did not step foot into the toddler clothing aisle. I bought myself a couple skirts, a top, and jewelry. Later in the evening I went to support my good friend KT in a play called "Sing for Your Supper or Die". It was cute and required audience participation. One where I did not have to sing thank God! As I am typing this I do have that little jingle they were all singing in my head, K you know the one I hear you singing it! We enjoyed a meal with dessert and a funny show. After the show I joined my friend KT with her cousins and cast mates for an after glow party to enjoy beverages and conversation. I didn't get home until almost 1am.
Saturday Morgan was home early which is not a surprise to me since SD had plans to go boating. I did not mind seeing my baby girl and making plans with my Aunt and Morgan's cousins to go to the festival in Mt.Clemens. Although the weather looked threatening of rain it was still hot and muggy, we had fun taking the kids on some of the carnival rides, feeding the billy goats, and jumping in the bounce house. After we went to the coney place to get dinner, then we took the kids to the park that I call Morgan's park, it is her favorite place. They have an activity area just for little ones it is perfect for her, because she loves to climb and this area is just big enough where I can reach her if she needs help. I took a few pictures of the kids but my camera battery decided to flash and didn't want to take a photo at the right time, so most of the pictures are the back of the kids heads, or the kind you would expect from a 35mm, not that my girl looks at the camera anyway. Here are a few to OH and AH.....

P.S. K-I know I promised you a rose garden (post) on Friday night but the meanderings got in the way so I promise you won't want to miss a later post. Good things come to those who wait.
I don't wait well and that stupid song has been in my head ever since Friday... welcome to our singing restaurant.... die die die!!!
Ah Hem, not to mention that you got TICKETS TO SEE WHO!?!?!?!? yeah thats a whole post on its own so i'll leave it for ya! lol
xoxo A
Oh.....the outdoors look like so much fun. Tell Morgan to swing even faster for Aunt Kellie!
Looks like a pretty fun weekend! I want a weekend when I can nap...even just for a little bit...that never seems to happen in the summer. Why is that?
i schedule our weekends around naptime. 1-4pm Sat & Sun...we are NOT available...
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